Journalism, how we want it

Journalism, how we want it

In Nagold, the editors of tünews INTERNATIONAL spent a weekend (November 9-10, 2019) working on their writing. We are concerned with trust. Trust is the cement of our society and the basis for integration. We at tünews INTERNATIONAL are working to ensure that the putty of trust also works with our newspaper. We do a lot to make ourselves credible, based on credible information from credible sources. It starts with research: We get the information that is relevant for refugees from experts, ministries, authorities and institutions. And we write journalistic reports out of this information. The news is called E-news. We celebrate the credibility of these articles: every e-news carries the “tünews INTERNATIONAL” brand. We distribute them online through a difficult to manipulate photo format and with the digital text. Each of our e-news stories is verifiable: it has a unique news number, which can be compared at any time with the picture on our reference homepage


Das Format der News-Labore dient dazu, Tätigkeiten bei tünews INTERNATIONAL im Praxisbetrieb einzuüben. An fünf Labortagen 2019 recherchierten Redaktionsmitglieder online für News und verfassten sie. Noch während der Labortage wurden die News redigiert und anschließend veröffentlicht. Auf dem Foto sind die Coaches Fabian Oppermann, Natalie Hekmat und Redaktionsmitglied Roula Al Sagheer bei der Arbeit zu sehen.

Foto: Mostafa Elyasian


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