On 16th March, the government of Baden-Württemberg issued a legal ordinance on infection control measures. This is effective immediately and considerably restricts public life in order to protect the population from corona infections. In addition to the shutdown of childcare facilities, schools and universities, the ordinance also specifies the operating ban on facilities such as cultural, educational and leisure facilities. All visits to hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, dialysis facilities and day clinics are prohibited with immediate effect, with a few exceptions. Visits to old people’s homes and nursing homes as well as stationary facilities for people with disabilities are only possible with the permission of the facility management and under protective measures. People showing signs of respiratory diseases as well as people in contact with corona sufferers are completely forbidden to enter all these facilities. The operation of restaurants is strictly prohibited. Excluded from this prohibition are restaurants which ensure certain conditions during operation. Events in closed rooms and in the open air with more than 100 participants are prohibited. In addition to this, the urgent recommendation to cancel all events that are not absolutely necessary is advised.
More information and the regulation itself can be found here:
Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 16.03.2020