Corona-virus: treatment in easier cases
An infection of the new corona virus can lead to signs of illness such as fever and cough. Cold, shortness of breath, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and headaches have also been reported as symptoms. Some people even suffer from nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. The symptoms are often difficult to distinguish from those of another respiratory infection.
For most people, the course of the disease is also similar to that of influenza, by which many people are affected currently. Most corona infections that have occurred in the district of Tübingen so far are directly related to a previous stay in a risk area ( If you suspect that you are infected with the corona virus and if flu symptoms worsen, it is important to call your family doctor, but do not go there yourself. They will tell you whether you will be sent for a corona test or not.
Patients who are diagnosed with a corona infection and who have an easier course of the disease must stay at home and pay particular attention to compliance with the rules of hygiene. Among other things, they should be accommodated alone in a well-ventilated single room, contact with family members or other persons providing care should be reduced to the bare minimum, rooms or facilities shared must be kept scrupulously clean with surfaces disinfected daily (RKI – Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 – Hinweise zum ambulanten Management von COVID-19-Verdachtsfällen und leicht erkrankten bestätigten COVID-19-Patienten). People who provide home care for the sick should be in good health, without previous illnesses and should not belong to a risk group. They must protect themselves personally, at least by observing the rules of distance and hygiene. Influenza symptoms are treated with medication for headaches, high fever, cough or a stuffy nose, just like a flu infection. Home remedies can also relieve symptoms.