Wolfgang Sannwald
The Corona-virus has infected approximately four million people worldwide. Until may 5th, more than 250.000 deaths are accredited to the pandemic. Both numbers continue to rise. In this global crisis, it has become clear once more that people cannot be separated by nationality, language, skin colour or religion. The pathogen impairs people that are from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Germany or anywhere else in the same way. Everywhere on earth, it causes people to die. Yet, a big difference is made by the condition of societies in which the virus spreads. Is there enough prosperity in order to invest in the health care system? Can a societal “lockdown” be afforded? Does the government care about the people’s well-being? In this edition from tünews INTERNATIONAL’s magazine, we widen our view from pandemic happenings in Germany to important countries of origin of many people, that are now living in Germany.
Foto: Editor Wolfgang Sannwald leitete die News-Labore vom 9. auf 10. November 2019 in Nagold und vom 6. bis 8. Dezember 2019 in Bad Liebenzell. Ziele waren die Klärung des Selbstverständnisses von tünews INTERNATIONAL, das Einüben des Verfassens von sachorientierten Meldungen und damit die Ausrichtung von tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zur Orientierung setzte sich das Redaktionsteam auch mit dem Begriff Heimat auseinander. Das Medienprojekt will Menschen, die nach Integration in Deutschland streben, Informationen bieten.