Refugees can improve their German skills together with volunteers in the Sprach-Café (Language Café) in Rottenburg. There is room to chat, practice and laugh with tea and coffee. It will once again be possible to study there from Wednesday, October 7th, 2020. Every Wednesday from 17.30 to 19.00. However, there are some changes under Corona conditions. The language café moved during the summer. It will now take place in the Atrium building next to the high-rise building on the DHL premises. The new entrance has a sign posted on it.
It is compulsory to wear a mask when walking around inside the building. On the square, however, the learning partners may decide whether they want to continue wearing a mask or not. Hands need to be disinfected upon entering the building. Disinfectant will be available on the premises. Drinks will be served. However, nothing to eat will be offered for the time being. The participants should be distributed as far as possible across all accessible rooms. There is only room for a maximum of ten learning pairs. So it will be worth it to arrive on time. People with signs of a cold cannot participate in the Language Café.
Quick tip: If you use the underpass at Tübinger Straße behind Tübinger Straße 68, you will practically be standing at the entrance of the Sprach-Café.
Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 06.10.2020