There is a project called “Homeschooling: aber sicher!” Mentors of the Volkshochschule in Rottenburg offers free technical supports every Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. Homeschooling-mentors help parents with a migration history. Whoever needs tips and help with dealing with technical issues can simply come to the consultation session without registration. Furthermore, there is the possibility to make a personal appointment and an interpreter can be made available if necessary. The contact person is Yannick Ceutche. Days and times: Monday to Friday (5 pm to 8 pm), Saturdays (9am to 5pm). Cell phone: 0176 38442242, Email:
All offers are free of charge and Corona hygiene measures must be adhered to. All participants must have a contact data formuIar filled out due to the regulations about Corona pandemic situation. There are no counselling sessions during the school holidays. More information at
Viele Schüler lernen und arbeiten derzeit zuhause. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.