Caregivers need rest so that they do not get sick themselves. That is why the Tübingen old people’s welfare offers them various options that can relieve them. In the Pauline-Krone-Heim there are 16 places for short-term care throughout the year. The people in need of care are admitted to an inpatient facility. In many cases, the long-term care insurance funds cover the costs of the stay, writes the city of Tübingen in a press release. Further information can be found at
Tübingen also has four day care facilities. There people in need of care are cared for on individual days. Contact details are available on the homepage
Anyone who has questions about the relief offers can contact the care support point in Tübingen on 07071/9646646 or the advice center for elder people and their relatives. It can be reached by calling 07071/22498. Further information can be found on the homepage
Platanenallee in Richtung der Stiftskirche. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL/Mostafa Elyasian.