Ein neugeborenes Kind beim Standesamt anmelden

In Tübingen kommen pro Tag im Durchschnitt zwischen acht und zwölf Kinder zur Welt. Nach der Geburt ist es wichtig, das neugeborene Kind beim Standesamt anzumelden. Um Eltern den Prozess zu erleichtern, können sie die erforderlichen Unterlagen direkt in der Universitäts-Frauenklinik (standesamtliche Meldestelle des Gebäudemanagements) abgeben. Die Meldestelle leitet sie an das Standesamt weiter. In der Meldestelle geben Eltern auch den Vornamen ihres Kindes an. Die Eltern müssen die Unterlagen im Original vorlegen. Die Unterlagen müssen die aktuellen Namen enthalten. Kopien und Faxe sind keine Urkunden. Auch Kopien von Urkunden, die von anderen Stellen (zum Beispiel Polizei, Meldeamt, Schulen usw.)… Read More

Voluntary giving

Reem is still familiar with voluntary work from her first home country, Syria, where she grew up. Back then, “voluntary work” seemed strange to her: a job for which you don’t get paid, even though you do a lot? That didn’t make any sense. But for a few years now, Germany has become her home. Here, Reem has only really understood volunteer work since she herself volunteered with tünews INTERNATIONAL. When she thinks of volunteering in Syria, her first association is working in orphanages. That was very common there before the war, she reports. Since the war began, however, there… Read More

Asylum center interviewed candidates for the Bundestag

What is your opinion on an asylum procedure / a social consultation that is independent from the state? What is your position on state-organized sea rescue? And: How can the federal government support / simplify the willingness of many cities and federal states to accommodate refugees from camps with terrible living situations? These questions were posed to four Bundestag candidates by the Tübingen asylum center prior to the federal election on Sunday, September 26th. Their answers are available as podcasts and in written form on the website of the asylum center. Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU), Chris Kühn (Greens), Martin Rosemann (SPD)… Read More

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