A new catalog of fines for road traffic came into force on November 9, 2021. This provides, for example, for a fine of 115 euros for exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 km/h in built-up areas, and 100 euros outside built-up areas If the speed limit is exceeded by more than 40 km/h, the fine is 400 euros in built-up areas and 320 euros outside built-up areas. An additional driving ban threatens if the limit is exceeded by more than 30 km/h in built-up areas and more than 40 km/h outside built-up areas.
In the case of illegal parking, the new catalog sees dissuasive fines for illegal parking on sidewalks and cycle paths as well as parking and stopping in the second row. For this traffic violations fines of up to 110 euros will be imposed. When other road users are hindered or endangered as a result, a point is added to the Flensburg register of fitness to drive added. Unauthorized parking in a parking space for disabled drivers now costs 55 euros.
Unauthorized use of an emergency lane on the highway, like failure to form an emergency lane, carries a fine of between 200 and 320 euros and a one-month driving ban.
So-called “car-posing” should now also be effectively punished: for causing unnecessary noise and avoidable pollution as well as unnecessary driving back and front., there are fines of up to 100 euros. Further information on the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Transport at: BMVI – Informationen zum neuen Bußgeldkatalog
Der neue Bußgeldkatalog sieht bei vielen Vergehen höhere Geldstrafen vor. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.