Baden-Württemberg is changing its Corona rules again. They will apply from Wednesday, 12 January, the state said in a press release. The reason is the very contagious Omikron variant of the virus.
What is new is that adults aged 18 and over must wear an FFP2 mask in enclosed spaces such as shops and restaurants. This does not apply in private areas, on public transport, at the workplace and to people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. The last group, however, needs a doctor’s certificate.
In gastronomy, a curfew now applies from 10.30 pm to 6 am.
The rules for quarantine have also been changed. Positively tested / infected persons can now end quarantine without testing after only ten days. From the seventh day of quarantine, they can clear themselves with a negative PCR or rapid test. Contact persons must also isolate themselves for ten days. They can also clear themselves from the seventh day. People who have recently recovered or been vaccinated – up to a maximum of three months after an infection or vaccination – and people with a booster vaccination do not have to isolate themselves. Children and adolescents in day-care centres and schools are allowed to exempt themselves from the fifth day.
School ID cards are valid as proof of testing beyond 1 February. Even young people who have not been vaccinated can use them to go to the cinema, café or sports training in January and February.
The country has extended the alert II regulations until 1 February, even though the number of Corona patients in hospital intensive care units is decreasing. Among other things, this means: At private meetings, a maximum of ten immunised people (i.e. vaccinated and recovered) are still allowed to gather indoors. A maximum of 50 people are allowed to meet outdoors. If one person at a meeting is not immunised or recovered, members of one household may only receive two people from another household. Young people up to the age of 14 do not count.
FFP2-Masken. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.