Linguists have named the word “pushback” the “Unwort of the Year 2021”. “Unwort” is a German word that means inappropriate word. The expression, which originated in English, is used for pushing back or pushing back refugees. The idea is to prevent them from crossing borders. The honorary jury at the University of Marburg criticised the word for “glossing over” the process of pushing people back. The foreign word, they say, helps to disguise the violation of human rights and the fundamental right to asylum. Every year since 1991, the jury of the “Sprachkritische Aktion” (Language Critical Initiative) has nominated a term as “Unwort des Jahres” (Inappropriate Word of the Year). The aim is to raise awareness of the use of language and to criticise inappropriate expressions that, for example, discriminate or – as in the case of the current Unwort – conceal consequences such as violence and death. pressemitteilung/
Das “Unwort des Jahres” bestimmt jedes Jahr eine ehrenamtliche Jury an der Universität Marburg. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL.
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