In Baden-Württemberg, there are no longer any retail access restrictions in the current “Alert Level I” – for example, in clothing stores. Previously, only the vaccinated, recovered and tested (3G) were allowed into these stores. However, customers must continue to wear an FFP2 mask while shopping. This is stated in the amended Corona ordinance. This is effective as of Wednesday, February 9th. Anyone going to a restaurant, café, concert or gym will no longer have to provide contact information as of Wednesday. There are exceptions for clubs and discos as well as nursing homes and hospitals. There, contact information must still be provided. Also abandoned is the plan to introduce the 3G rule in churches, mosques and synagogues next week. At major events such as sports and cultural events, folk and city festivals, more visitors are now allowed again. For example, a maximum of 10,000 spectators are allowed outdoors under the 2G+ rule (vaccinated and recovered plus current negative rapid test).
Eine Filiale der Buchhandlung Osiander. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.