Corona viruses are very contagious. If an infected person spreads many viruses, it infects unvaccinated people within five minutes, even at a distance of three meters. This was the result of a study by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Göttingen, published by the MPI on the Internet on December 2nd, 2021. However, the study also showed that especially FFP2 masks and KN95 masks effectively protect against infection. If the FFP2 masks of infected and unvaccinated people fit well, the risk of infection is only one per thousand, even if the two encounter each other for 20 minutes at the shortest distance. If their masks fit poorly, the masks still reduce the risk of infection in this situation to about four percent. This shows how important it is to wear a mask in the first place. The weak points of the masks are the edges around the nose and on the cheeks. Breathing air can flow past there unfiltered. People who want to avoid this should bend the nosepiece of the mask into a rounded W before putting it on. If people wear surgical masks instead of FFP2 masks, this also reduces the risk of infection, in this case to about ten percent.
FFP2-Masken. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.