As many people as possible should get vaccinated against the Coronavirus. That is the recommendation of leading health institutes and health authorities worldwide. For those who distrust the production method of previously available vaccines, there is now the more traditionally produced vaccine Nuvaxovid from the company Novavax. The vaccine protein is reproduced in insect cells and injected into the upper arm. The human body then forms antibodies against it. According to studies, this immune response provides 90 percent protection against further infection. The vaccines available to date, such as Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna, work with the help of snippets of genetic material. These stimulate body cells to produce the spike protein of the virus themselves. This then triggers the desired immune response, which is similarly effective to that of the new vaccine. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (StiKo) recommends the vaccine from the company Novavax for people aged 18 and over. They should be vaccinated with it twice at intervals of at least 3 weeks. The district administration of Tübingen informs that a contingent of the new vaccine Nuvaxovid will be vaccinated at the vaccination site “Alte Apotheke” in Tübingen from March 4th, 2022. It will also be available in doctors’ offices. Because the number of vaccine doses is still limited for the time being, those who are subject to the facility-based vaccination requirement planned for March 15th will be allowed to be vaccinated with Nuvaxovid first. Biontech and Moderna vaccines remain available. Appointments for vaccination sites can be booked at Pop-Up Impforte zur Corona-Impfung.
Pop-Up-Impfung in der Univeritätsapotheke Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.
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