Two vaccination centres in Rottenburg and Mössingen will be closed in April. In the Alte Post in Rottenburg (Poststraße 15), vaccinations will only take place on Friday, 11 March, and on Friday, 25 March, both from 2 to 6.30 pm. The last vaccination dates in the Tonnenhalle in Mössingen (Löwensteinplatz 1) will be on Thursday, 17 March, and on Thursday, 31 March, both from 2 to 6.30 pm. On the other hand, vaccinations will also be given at the Mössingen Vaccination Centre near the town hall (with and without an appointment). Detailed information can be found at In Tübingen (Alte Universitätsapotheke, Röntgenweg 9), the opening days will change from mid-March. People who want to be vaccinated can only come there on Tuesdays to Fridays between 1.30 and 7.30 pm. Further information at
Pop-Up-Impfung in der Univeritätsapotheke Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.