The war in Ukraine does not only trigger traumatic experiences for those who have fled there. For people who have fled Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq since 2015, images from Ukraine also bring back memories of threatening situations in their home country and during their flight. The University Hospital Tübingen offers a consultation hour for refugees who need psychological help – regardless of whether they have just fled Ukraine or earlier from other countries and war zones. Those who wish to take advantage of the offer must be registered with the Foreigners’ Registration Office so that the costs are covered. The initial consultation can be conducted in person at the psychosomatic outpatient clinic or via video chat. The University Hospital organizes and provides interpreters.
Adults can make an appointment by phone at 07071 / 29-86719 (psychosomatics) or 07071 / 29-86140 (psychiatry), for children and adolescents at the child and adolescent psychiatry at 07071 / 29-82338 (both in German or English).
Appointments can also be made by e-mail in Ukrainian or Russian at:
See also
Straßen von Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.