Help for the wounded souls of young refugees

Children and young people were often psychologically burdened in war zones and during their flight. Even “after arriving in Germany, stressful factors can have a negative impact on their (psychological) development,” writes the refugio Stuttgart association. These children and young people need special support. In Tübingen, a therapist specially trained for the age group counsels and provides therapy for traumatized refugee children and adolescents from six to 18 years of age and, upon request, young adults between 18 and 26. The offer – with trained interpreters upon request – is free of charge. No health card is needed. In addition… Read More

Ramadan schedule

By Oula Mahfouz This year, the month of Ramadan begins on April 2 and ends on May 2. Many Muslims celebrate the month of fasting with numerous rituals, prayers, and set meal and fasting times. But how do Muslims determine the daily start of the period of fasting and prayer that falls between the last meal before sunrise (Suhur) and the meal of breaking the fast in the evening (Iftar)? Islam follows the lunar calendar. A year in the lunar calendar has 354 days and not 365 days as in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, the month of Ramadan shifts by… Read More

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