Vacation fun for children and young people

Exercise, handicrafts, painting, music, theater, a radio course: Tübingen’s city administration and associations have come up with a lot for the Whitsun vacations. From Monday, June 6, to Friday, June 17, there are various one-day or multi-day courses and individual events for children and young people from the age of 6. Whether sporty, creative or musical – there is something for everyone: soccer or archery, working with clay or photography, rehearsing a musical, experiencing the forest, having a noodle party. Anyone who is interested should register quickly with the organizers by Wednesday, June 1 at the latest. Children and young people with KreisBonusCard pay less course fees.
An overview of the organizers and their offerings can be found at the link

Blühende Frühlingswiese. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Scheyda Karasu.






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