Statistics: Syrians make up the majority of foreign doctors in Germany

“The medical profession in Germany is becoming more colourful”. According to the current statistics of the German Medical Association, there are currently more than 57,000 foreign doctors working in Germany. In other words, more than 10 percent of the 548,302 doctors in Germany come from abroad. For the third year in a row, Syrian doctors took first place in the number of foreign doctors in Germany. In 2021, the number of Syrian doctors working in Germany reached 5404 while in 2020, it was 5242. Around 4,314 of them work in German hospitals. However, in second place were Romanian doctors (4,721), followed by Greek doctors (2,973), Austrian doctors (2,901), and Russian doctors (2,631). The Ärzteblatt, an official medical journal, considers the increased number of foreign doctors in the health system “a good development”. During the current shortage of doctors, many clinics would have “even greater difficulties filling vacancies without colleagues from abroad”.
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Symbol für die Ärzteschaft: das Stethoskop. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.


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