Rights and obligations: the German constitution

The Basic Law has regulated the coexistence of people in Germany since 1949. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany since reunification in 1990 has also applied to the federal states of the former German Democratic Republic. The Basic Law regulates not only the rights but also the duties of all people in Germany. Moreover, The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has published a brochure on the Basic Law. In this brochure, people who have immigrated to Germany express what the constitution means to them. It is about human rights, gender equality, freedom of belief, freedom of opinion, and freedom of the press. But it is also about obligations – such as compulsory schooling. The brochure is available in both Arabic and Farsi and can be obtained at the following address :
Also, the complete text of the Basic Law can be found in Arabic and Persian at the following:
downloaded or ordered it free of charge in Arabic from the Federal Agency for Civic Education
Under the adress https://www.bpb.de/shop/buecher/grundgesetz/205963/grundgesetz-fuer-die-bundesrepublik-deutschland-sonderausgabe-fuer-einbuergerungen/ there is also an extra edition of the Basic Law specialized in naturalization.

Im Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin tagt der deutsche Bundestag. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.





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