On 1 January 2023, the citizen’s money will replace the previous unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV). This was decided by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. This means, for example, that a single adult will receive 502 euros a month from January—53 euros more than before. Children and young people will also receive more. No new application is necessary. Those who have been receiving money from the Job Centre up to now will automatically receive the higher standard rate.
The aim is to enable those affected to concentrate on finding a job or to continue their education. In the first twelve months—the waiting period—the actual costs for accommodation and heating costs will be covered—but heating costs only “to a reasonable amount”, according to the Federal Government’s press release. In addition, assets below 40,000 euros will not be touched during the waiting period.
From 1 July 2023, the tax-free allowances for additional earnings of employed persons and for the income of pupils and students as well as trainees will be increased.
Sanctions will continue to be imposed on all those who do not attend appointments. The citizen’s money will then be reduced according to a graduated model.
In the federal budget for the coming year, the state expects to spend around 44 billion euros on the citizen’s money.
More information is available at:
There you will also find a link to the Federal Ministry of Labour and detailed answers to frequently asked questions.
Im Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin tagt der deutsche Bundestag. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.