Stores closed over Easter

Easter is just around the corner and with it a long weekend. Good Friday, April 7, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, April 9 and 10, are public holidays in this country. On these holidays, all businesses are closed and government offices are closed. So anyone who still needs to shop for eggs or Easter dinner should hurry. However, there is still the possibility to do your shopping on Saturday. From Tuesday, all stores and authorities are then open again regularly. tun23040504 Ostern. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL. 001231

تُغلق المتاجر في عيد الفصح

عيد الفصح على الأبواب مع عطلة نهاية أسبوع طويلة .لجمعة العظيمة 7 أبريل و أحد و إثنين الفصح 9 و 10 أبريل هي أيام العطل الرسمية في هذا البلد. حيث تُغلق جميع المتاجر كما الدوائر الحكومية. لذلك إذا كان لا يزال يتعين عليك التسوق لشراء البيض أو عشاء عيد الفصح فيجب أن تسرع وتستغل فرصة للقيام بالتسوق يوم السبت. اعتباراً من يوم الثلاثاء سيتم فتح جميع المتاجر و الدوائر الحكومية مرة أخرى كالمعتاد tun23040504 Osterbrot und Ostereier. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL/Kerstin Markl. 001237

Halal and Haram: What’s behind these terms?

By Oula Mahfouz The term “Halal” is often used when referring to food, but what exactly does it mean in the Islamic religion? The word “Halal” means “permitted” and refers to things and actions that are allowed in Islam, but it does not only refer to food. The opposite of the word “Halal” is the word “Haram”. In between is the word “Makruh” and it means “unpopular” or “undesirable”. This denotes what one should rather not do, but if one does not do it, it is not a sin. What is considered “Halal” and “Haram”, there are sometimes different opinions.… Read More

Aidshilfe: Kostenlose HIV-Tests

Menschen mit einer HIV-Infektion, Patienten mit Suchtproblemen in der Substitutionstherapie oder Männer und Frauen, die ungeschützten Sex hatten, finden bei der Aidshilfe Tübingen-Reutlingen anonym Hilfe. Wie die Organisation auf ihrer Website informiert, bietet die Aidshilfe Informationen, Beratung und Unterstützung für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen an. Ein spezielles Angebot richtet sich an Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine. Bei der Aidshilfe Tübingen-Reutlingen gibt es kostenlose und anonyme HIV-Tests. HIV-Schnelltests können jeden Montagnachmittag von 15 bis 17 Uhr gemacht werden. Außerdem werden anonyme Untersuchungen auf Syphilis, Tripper, Chlamydien sowie Hepatitis B und C angeboten. Die Kosten dafür liegen – je nach Test – zwischen 5 und… Read More

What to do after anaesthesia?

Even before an anaesthetic for an operation (OP) or a local anaesthetic at the dentist, patients should know a few things. Doctors say that the following applies in general: Reactivity can be worse, especially when driving or cycling. For this reason, doctors recommend that patients be driven home after the treatment. This also applies if patients are given drops by the ophthalmologist to dilate the pupils. Doctors’ and dentists’ surgeries or clinics usually provide verbal or written information about the correct behaviour after anaesthesia. For example, a leaflet for patients at a dental practice in the district of Tübingen states:… Read More

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