Parents have a legal right to a childcare place for children from the age of one. For children under the age of three, they have the choice of having their child looked after in a municipal or private crèche or by childminders. Childminders can also support parents with older children in addition to daycare. In the district of Tübingen, the childminder association offers several services: Childminders can look after up to five children in their own home—provided they have enough space to do so. However, childcare can also be provided in other locations—for example in the town or at companies. A family can also employ a childminder to look after the children in the parents’ home. People with a migration background can also become childminders. “We are open to refugees,” says Sabine Maihöfer, Managing Director of the Tageselternverein im Landkreis Tübingen in an interview with Tünews International. The prerequisite is proof of language level B2.
Last year, 180 childminders and childminders in the district of Tübingen looked after 687 children. Two thirds of the children were under the age of three. Children from zero to 13 years are cared for according to individual needs, half-day, full-day, on individual days or flexibly by arrangement. If the children are older than three years, day care is only possible on a supplementary basis.
Maihöfer says that childminders must qualify before they can take in children. Essentially, this means 300 teaching units within 18 months. After the first course of 50 hours, there is an aptitude test. Anyone who has previously worked in a pedagogical profession – for example as a nursery teacher – only needs this 50-hour basic course.
All applicants are also required to provide an extended certificate of good conduct for all persons over the age of 15 living in the household. A first aid course is also compulsory. A check is also made to ensure that the home is childproof. This involves, for example, child safety locks for sockets. If all requirements are met, the childcare permit can be issued.
Childminders who look after children in their own home are self-employed. They are paid 7.50 euros per child per hour. So if you look after three children for 20 hours a week, you will receive 450 euros per week. However, the income must be taxed. Social security contributions are also payable – although half of these are reimbursed. Childminders who work in the parents’ household are employed. Parents receive financial support from the district to finance childcare. Specifically, the costs are based on income and the number of hours of childcare.
The Tageselternverein offers regular information events for prospective childminders. The next one in Tübingen will take place on Friday, June 7 from 9 to 11 am. You must register in advance by calling 07071-6877011.
Parents can call the same number to arrange a personal consultation. There are further contact persons in Mössingen, Kirchentellinsfurt, Ammerbuch-Entringen and Dettenhausen.
Extensive information can be found online:
Eine Wickelkommode. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Yana Rudenko.