For a long time, the rule in Germany was: learn German first, then look for work. The government have now changed their strategy. With the “job turbo”, it is now possible to switch directly to employment after the integration course. Job-related language courses, for example to reach level B2, can then be completed alongside employment. The offer is aimed in particular at refugees from Ukraine, who should be able to earn their own income quickly and become independent of the citizen’s income. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of Labor. This involves closer contact with the job center: Participants are invited and advised every six weeks.
Information on the vocational language courses offered by the Tübingen Job Center can be found at:
There is also a wide range of targeted language courses for individual occupational fields: from technical and commercial professions to work in the care sector.
Tolerated persons who previously had no access to language courses now also have the opportunity to take part in vocational language courses. This applies as soon as they have been in the country for six months.
The aim of the Job Turbo is to improve the integration of refugees into the labor market. For example, skilled workers who do not need German for their work—such as IT specialists—are to be placed directly by the job centers or employment agencies. According to a statement from his ministry, Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) also wants companies to hire refugees, even if they still speak little German.
Das Jobcenter in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.