If you are speeding by car or motorcycle in Germany and are caught by a speed trap, you have to pay a fine. The greater the speeding offense, the higher the fine. Speeding in urban areas is more expensive than speeding on country roads or freeways. If you were driving much faster than the speed limit, you will receive points in Flensburg and a temporary driving ban.
Within the city limits, it costs 30 euros if the speed limit is exceeded by up to 10 km/h. Outside the city limits, it costs 20 euros. Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 26-30 km/h in urban areas will be fined 180 euros and 150 euros outside urban areas. Drivers must be particularly vigilant in 30 km/h zones: Anyone driving at 51 km/h there—i.e. more than 20 kilometers too fast—will receive one point and a fine of 115 euros. The amount of the fines for the various infringements can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure:
If the speed limit is exceeded by 31 km/h in urban areas (41 km/h outside urban areas), the driver will receive a fine as well as 2 points in Flensburg and a one-month driving ban. If you exceed the speed limit by 52 km/h in built-up areas (62 km/h outside built-up areas), you will receive a fine of 480 euros, 2 points in Flensburg and a 2-month driving ban. If you exceed the speed limit by 61 km/h in urban areas and 70 km/h outside urban areas, you will be banned from driving for 3 months, receive 2 points in Flensburg and a fine of 700 euros. Drivers can always appeal against fines. More details can be found in the fine notice or on the warning.
The amount of the fine can be calculated using the online calculator at the following link:
Der neue Bußgeldkatalog sieht bei vielen Vergehen höhere Geldstrafen vor. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.