For everyone under 28: With the Deutschlandticket to France for free

If you are under 28 and have a Deutschlandticket, you can use it to travel for free to France in July and August—even as far as Paris. This was announced by the Ministry of Transport in Baden-Württemberg. The offer covers the Grand-Est region, i.e. the area of Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne. The prerequisite is a residence in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate or Saarland. The offer also applies to the Young People’s Ticket SL and the D-Ticket Youth/BW. In return, young French people can travel free of charge in the three German federal states with their Jeune/Grand/Grenzenlos pass.
However, they may only use the French TER (Trains Express Regional) local trains and the Car TER Fluo buses. This means that the fast TGV from Stuttgart to Paris is off limits, as is inner-city public transport. Proof of residence must always be provided.
The Deutschlandticket costs 49 euros per month and allows you to use local trains and many buses throughout Germany. The city of Tübingen has reduced the price of the ticket to 34 euros. Holders of a KreisBonusCard (KBC) resident in Tübingen have been able to order the discounted Deutschlandticket since February of this year. The ticket costs 15 euros for adults. Since March, school pupils, trainees and volunteers living in Tübingen have been able to order a discounted Deutschlandticket Jugend-BW for 10 euros with a KreisBonusCard. Details can be found in the message tun24020301.
Reservations are compulsory on several routes in France: this applies to trains between Strasbourg and Paris and the Gare de l’Est station in Paris. Reservations are free of charge and are available via SNCF Connect.
Timetable information is available via SNCF Connect (in German), and the platform bwegt (






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