In spring, many people clean their homes thoroughly and work in the garden. But they should be careful, especially from April to September. This is because the district of Tübingen is also a risk area for hantaviruses. The pathogens can cause serious illnesses.
Hantaviruses can be found in enclosed spaces where mice may be present, such as sheds, garages, cellars or attics, but also in the garden. Hantaviruses are excreted by bank voles via urine and faeces. Infections can occur when dust is inhaled or food contaminated with the viruses is eaten. However, the viruses are not transmitted from person to person.
People infected with the virus usually have flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and aching limbs, but also kidney problems with back or side pain. In severe cases, temporary kidney failure can occur. This may make dialysis necessary.
There is no vaccination against hantavirus. The most effective protection against infection is to ‘avoid contact with rodent faeces’. This is what the district administration writes in a press release. For protection, rooms in which the virus could be present should be thoroughly ventilated before cleaning. It is also advisable to wear rubber gloves and an FFP2 mask when cleaning.
FFP2-Masken. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.