Single parents have less money than families with two parents. The Association of Single Mothers and Fathers (VAMV) has been committed to improving their living situation since 1967—among other things with information material. Where do single parents get financial support? What entitlements do they have? What rights do their children have? Answers can be found in the VAMV paperback “Single parents—tips and information”. It can be ordered free of charge by e-mail from the Federal Government’s publications mailing service at or by telephone on 030 / 182 72 27 21 or on the VAMV homepage
can be downloaded.
This paperback is also available as a special edition in Arabic. In addition to general information such as securing a livelihood, unemployment, housing, childcare and legal advice, it also contains answers to specific questions: What does custody law regulate? What does the right of access mean? What needs to be considered in the event of a divorce if the marriage took place in another country? And: What are the residence status requirements for receiving family or social benefits?
Current figures on the subject: 41% of the approximately 1.7 million single parents with underage children in Germany were at risk of poverty. This is the result of a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation. The Federal Statistical Office reports: Just under 2.1 million children and young people under the age of 18 were living in a single-parent family with little money in 2023–in other words, one in seven minors.
The VAMV homepage can be found at
Ein Spielplatz in der Nähe des Landratsamtes in Tübingen. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.