The climate between the Iranian regime and Germany is getting colder. Police forces have closed and sealed the German Language Institute in Tehran. 85 teachers and their students are affected. According to media reports, the Iranian justice portal „Misan“ cited „violations of Iranian laws“ as the reason. The web portal „Nurnews“, which is said to be close to the Iranian Security Council, suggested that the closure was a reaction to the closure of the Islamic Center in Hamburg a few weeks ago. „We condemn the actions of the Iranian security authorities against the German Language Institute Tehran. There is no justification for this,“ declared the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. It called on the Iranian government to allow teaching to resume immediately. The German embassy founded the language institute in the Iranian capital in 1995 after Iranian authorities closed the Goethe Institute there.
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Teheran, Hauptstadt des Iran. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL.