The Standing Committee on Vaccination advises all newborns and infants to be vaccinated against the RS virus. This was announced by the committee. The vaccination with the active ingredient nirsevimab is intended to prevent infants from contracting severe respiratory diseases caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. The committee consists of medical experts appointed by the Federal Ministry of Health.
The contact person for parents is always the pediatrician. Vaccination is particularly recommended for children who were born prematurely or who suffer from heart or lung disease. “In infants in Germany, RSV infections are the most common cause of hospital admissions,” writes the Stiko. The children usually suffer from a cold, cough and fever, and some become seriously ill as a result. Babies are particularly at risk in the first six months. According to the German news program “Tagesschau”, 25,000 babies with RSV have to be treated in hospitals every year.
Vaccination is also recommended for anyone over the age of 75 and for chronically ill people aged between 60 and 74. The Stiko advises people to get vaccinated before the cold season starts in September/October.
press statement StIKo
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