As of January 1, 2025, benefits for asylum seekers in Germany will be reduced and they will receive less money for their living expenses. Nothing will change for recipients of citizen’s benefit and social assistance. The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs has published the new rates under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act in the Official Gazette.
Single people who do not live in shared accommodation will receive 441 euros per month in future – previously the rate was 460 euros. For couples living in a shared apartment or asylum seekers in collective accommodation, the monthly amount will fall from 413 to 397 euros. Lower rates apply to children and young people as well as unmarried adults under the age of 25 who live with their parents. These benefits cover basic needs such as food, clothing and health services. The costs of accommodation, heating and electricity are not included in the amounts.
The standard requirements for social benefits are adjusted annually in line with the development of prices and net wages. In the previous year, the rates were increased significantly. According to the calculation method used for this, a lower value would actually have resulted for social assistance and the citizen’s allowance at the turn of the year – but they are protected, which is why the amounts remain the same. However, this regulation does not apply to the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act, which is why reductions are possible here.
In a statement, PRO ASYL doubts that the new different rates for asylum seekers and recipients of citizens’ benefits are constitutional: This is because the Federal Constitutional Court had already established in principle in 2012 that social benefits for refugees should not be set at a flat rate lower than regular social benefits.
To the publication in the law gazette: Federal Law | Federal Law Gazette
To the PRO ASYL statement: PRO ASYL | Statement on discrimination
Geldscheine in einem Portemonnaie. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.