Putting old clothes to new use

Your wardrobe is full of clothes. What can you do when some of them no longer fit or look good? One option is upcycling. This means that material that is no longer used is turned into something new—in other words, upcycled. Clothes that are no longer worn can be embellished or turned into other items such as bags.
In the Tübingen / Reutlingen region, there are always workshops on upcycling clothes for adults and sometimes children—for example at the Tübingen Family Education Centre and the adult education centres in Tübingen and Reutlingen. Dates can be found by searching on the home pages.
The Bruderhaus Diakonie in Reutlingen offers workshops and a monthly meeting place for upcycling: the Textile Repair Café in the Gustav Werner Forum in Bürgerpark. It opens on the last Wednesday of every month from 3 pm to around 8 pm. Sewing machines and accessories are available.
If you can’t or don’t want to sew yourself, you can also bring used clothes to clothes swap events at many locations. The internet search under ‘Kleidertausch’ (clothes swap) provides many dates.
More about the textile repair café in Reutlingen:



Das Familienbildungsstätte (FBS) in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.






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