Prize for project with people’s stories


The Telar association has been awarded second place in the Tübingen Integration Prize. It can now use 1500 euros in prize money for its “Wir erzählen” (translation: “We tell”) project. People with a history of migration meet in workshops, among other things. They produce podcasts and radio reports. These productions can be heard on the regional radio station Wüste Welle. In the contributions, the Telar activists talk about their migration experiences and want to share their ways of thinking and living with the listeners. In the third episode, Oula Mahfouz from the tuenews-INTERNATIONAL team spoke about her experiences with the education system in Germany, among other things.
These words are supposed to stand for the “Wir erzählen” project: Openness, diversity, respect, participation and intercultural dialog. The next broadcast dates are December 14 (live) and 23, 2024 (repeat) as well as January 11 (live) and 20, 2025 (repeat).
More about the association “Telar – Wir verbinden Welten” (translation: “Telar – We connect worlds”) at
about the radio program on Wüste Welle at
and the press release from the city of Tübingen at


Neckarfront Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.



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