The “traffic light coalition“ of SPD, Alliance 90/The Greens and FDP in Berlin has broken up. Currently, SPD and Greens are forming a minority government. The date for new elections to the Bundestag has already been set: Sunday, 23 February 2025.
Some cities and communities in the district of Tübingen still need people to volunteer as election workers. They hand out ballots, ensure that the secrecy of the ballot is maintained, or count the votes after the polling station has closed. If you would like to be an election worker, you can contact the town hall in your place of residence.
Anyone who is eligible to vote can become an election official. This means that you must be a German citizen, at least 18 years old on election day and have lived in the respective city or municipality for at least three months. You will receive financial compensation for your work.
In Tübingen, enough volunteers have already signed up for the 2025 federal election. However, anyone interested in helping out at future elections can apply to the university town using an online form.
See the detailed explanation of how to get involved in elections at:
Bundestag | How to become an election official
And the press release from the city of Tübingen and the online form:
City of Tübingen | Become an election official
The town hall in Entringen. Photo: tuenews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.