If you are planning a birthday party for your children but don’t have enough space at home, you can rent a room in Tübingen at a reasonable price with the KreisBonusCard Junior. The rental costs are only 25 euros – in some places even 10 euros. For a special birthday party, the Tübingen City Museum offers creative workshops. These last three hours and cost 75 euros, including material costs. You can choose from exciting topics such as making robots, creating animated films or pottery. One exception is the graffiti workshop, which costs 95 euros due to the additional material costs. The offers also apply to holders of a KreisBonusCard Extra. It is open to anyone whose income is just above the limits of the citizen’s allowance.
The KreisBonusCard Junior (as well as the Extra and regular versions) also offers many other discounts. These include Reduced admission to swimming pools, museums and leisure parks. Discounts on sports courses and cultural events. Discounts on performances by the Zambaioni children’s and youth circus – both for children and their accompanying adults. With these offers, the city of Tübingen supports families in enabling children to enjoy varied leisure activities. For more information:
Children’s birthday party. Photo: tuenews INTERNATIONAL.