For a long time, the rule in Germany was: learn German first, then look for work. The government have now changed their strategy. With the “job turbo”, it is now possible to switch directly to employment after the integration course. Job-related language courses, for example to reach level B2, can then be completed alongside employment. The offer is aimed in particular at refugees from Ukraine, who should be able to earn their own income quickly and become independent of the citizen’s income. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of Labor. This involves closer contact with the job center: Participants… Read More
Category: 6- WORK – ENG
German scholarship program for refugee researchers
The Philipp Schwartz Initiative for Academic Refugees in Germany helps refugee researchers in need of protection from all over the world with scholarships. With a two-year scholarship, which can be extended for a further year, refugee academics can continue their work at German universities and research institutions. The initiative is part of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s programs. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent qualification, refugee status or proof of a vulnerable situation. They must not have lived outside their country for more than five years. The application must be submitted via a German university or research institution. Applicants… Read More
Seminar on setting up a business
How do I start a business? Answers to this question can be found in a free seminar for potential business founders. It will be held on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June, starting at 9 a.m. and lasting the whole day. The venue is the Open Innovations Campus Westspitze at Eisenbahnstraße 1 in Tübingen. Anyone wishing to take part should register as soon as possible—see the link below. The seminar will cover three topics: business idea and business plan, administration and organisation, and financing self-employment. Founders will also find out where they can get what kind of support. Participants will… Read More
More than just strikes: what trade unions do
Trade unions are associations that represent the interests of employees. They are organized by sector and negotiate collective agreements with representatives of employers’ associations. In the event of a collective bargaining dispute, they may also call for strike action following a ballot of their members. Any employee can become a member of a trade union. In Germany, there are eight trade unions with around 5.6 million members, which have joined together in the umbrella organization Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB): IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU), IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE), Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft (EVG), Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), IG Metall, Gewerkschaft… Read More
Childminder: A profession for refugees too
Parents have a legal right to a childcare place for children from the age of one. For children under the age of three, they have the choice of having their child looked after in a municipal or private crèche or by childminders. Childminders can also support parents with older children in addition to daycare. In the district of Tübingen, the childminder association offers several services: Childminders can look after up to five children in their own home—provided they have enough space to do so. However, childcare can also be provided in other locations—for example in the town or at companies.… Read More
Jobcenter: Travel only with permission
Although Jobcenter customers are not entitled to a “vacation”, they are allowed to go away for a maximum of three weeks a year without having to forgo benefits from the authority. However, this only applies if the Jobcenter has approved the absence in advance. This means that anyone who receives citizen’s income and wants to travel during the period of unemployment and cannot be reached must inform the Jobcenter in advance and obtain its approval. If the Jobcenter has given its approval, benefits will continue to be paid for this period. Health insurance will also continue. If you receive citizen’s… Read More
Almost two thirds of 2015 refugees are working
It is repeatedly claimed that too few refugees have jobs. This is not true, as a study by the Nuremberg Institute for Employment Research (IAB) shows. All figures relate to the year 2022. One result: the longer people seeking protection were in Germany, the more were employed. After seven years, 64 percent (almost two thirds) of those who fled to Germany in 2015 were working. Nine out of ten of these employees were subject to social security contributions. Those who were in full-time employment in 2022 earned an average of 2,570 euros per month. In relation to all employed refugees,… Read More
Doing a doctorate in Germany
The awarding of a doctoral degree by a university is known as a doctorate. It takes place as part of a specific procedure lasting several years, during which doctoral candidates demonstrate their ability to carry out independent academic work. Once the examinations have been successfully completed and all formal requirements have been met, the university or faculty responsible awards the academic degree of “Doctor”. The doctorate involves writing a scientific paper, the dissertation, and defending it in a type of examination. Many universities also offer structured doctoral programmes that include special courses and supervision structures. An alternative option is a… Read More
Careers advice: Workshop for girls
For Girls Day on April 25, the Reutlingen Careers Information Center (BIZ) is inviting girls aged 13 and over to a workshop. During the “Careers advice to go”, the schoolgirls will gain insights into four companies in the fields of crafts and technology, reports the Reutlingen Employment Agency. “For a whole morning, the schoolgirls discover the variety of professions with the careers advisors from the Federal Employment Agency”, the press release continues. Registration is now open at The workshop will take place on Thursday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at BiZ, Ulrichstraße 38 in Reutlingen. As… Read More
Help with (work) accidents
A fall on your bike on the way to work, a mishap during sports lessons at school or an allergy to a certain substance at work: these are all cases for the employers’ liability insurance association (BG). They are the statutory accident insurance institutions and are therefore responsible for work and commuting accidents as well as occupational illnesses. The BG ensures that the person concerned receives good medical care and, in serious cases, rehabilitation and financial support. There are employers’ liability insurance associations for various sectors of the private sector. In the public sector, the accident insurance funds or the… Read More