People who come to Germany as refugees receive support. Their contact persons are the integration managers of the district offices and cities. As of March 11, refugees from Ukraine can now also receive advice from the integration managers. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration in a press release on March 11 2022. Further news on Ukraine: tun22031402 In der Kreissporthalle in Tübingen werden Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine kurzfristig untergebracht. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click here
Category: 982 – UK .EN
Where refugees from Ukraine can find help
By Brigitte Gisel People from Ukraine who flee from the war in their homeland to Germany receive accommodation, food and medical care here. In the district of Tübingen, the city halls or citizens’ offices are responsible for this. It is there that those seeking protection should apply for their residence permits. Ukrainians who have a biometric passport do not need a visa for 90 days in many European countries, including Germany. But registration with the municipality is a prerequisite for applying for social benefits. The application is then forwarded to the foreigners authority. Except for the cities of Tübingen and… Read More
Report housing for refugees from Ukraine
The district of Tübingen is urgently looking for further accommodation for refugees from Ukraine. The provision of the Kreissporthalle Tübingen as an arrival center for refugees is not sufficient for the demand. Anyone who still has space, for example vacation apartments, can report this directly to the mayor’s offices of the cities and municipalities. The website provides information on many questions relating to the reception and accommodation of refugees from Ukraine. Further questions can be asked by e-mail to or by phone at 07071/207-3700 from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. This was announced by… Read More
Corona information in Ukrainian
Refugees from Ukraine can get vaccinated against Corona free of charge. On the website, information about vaccination is available in Ukrainian. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration in a press release on March 11, 2022. Further news on Ukraine: tun22031401 Am Festplatz in Tübingen gibt es eine Corona-Test-Station. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click here
At least 17 wars in Europe since 1945
By Wolfgang Sannwald There have been at least 17 other wars in Europe since the end of the Second World War (1939-1945). The one between Russia and Ukraine is the most recent, lasting since 2014. The three Caucasus states Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, where there have also been several wars, are not included. According to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung (AKUF) at the University of Hamburg, Europe is one of the continents with the fewest wars worldwide. However, after 1945, Western states often took part in wars on other continents, above all Great Britain, the USA and France. The Hungarian peace researcher… Read More
Editorial: The war in Ukraine and us
By Wolfgang Sannwald There has been war in Ukraine since 2014. At the end of February 2022, Russia escalated this war by a large-scale attack. Several hundred thousand people are fleeing from there, mainly towards the European Union (EU). The editorial team of tünews INTERNATIONAL includes many colleagues who have fled to Germany themselves since 2015, including from Syria and Afghanistan. Information about the war in Ukraine affect them in a special way. And this information is pouring in on them not only via television programs, but around the clock via social media. Above all, images and sounds awaken memories… Read More
The district of Tübingen prepares for refugees from Ukraine
About 19,000 refugees from Ukraine are registered in Germany so far, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior (as of March 5th). However, there are probably already many more. This is because Ukrainian citizens can enter the European Union without a visa and move freely in the EU member states. The district, cities and municipalities in the district of Tübingen expect that refugees from Ukraine will increasingly arrive in Baden-Württemberg as well. As a precaution, the district, cities and municipalities are, therefore, calling in a press release to report vacant living space that the district can rent for the… Read More
Hundreds of thousands flee the war in Ukraine
By Michael Seifert The Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered a huge wave of refugees. The number of people fleeing is increasing daily. According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, more than 1,3 million refugees (as of 4 March) have already crossed the Ukrainian borders into the EU and Moldova, including more than 750,000 into Poland alone. More than 130,000 have already travelled on from Ukraine’s neighbouring countries, including to Germany. The UNHCR estimates that up to four million of the approximately 40 million inhabitants will leave the country. That would be an even larger number than in 2015/16,… Read More