Learning during forced „Corona Holidays“ How can parents motivate their children to learn during the “Corona holidays”? Many schools already use online-platforms where the students receive work orders from the teachers on their own accounts. There are also helpful YouTube channels and websites that are popular among pupils. For example, the YouTube channels “Musstewissen” provide explanatory videos for school subjects such as German, chemistry, physics, maths and history. On „Levrai“, pupils of all grades of school can find learning videos and useful exercises with solutions for the subjects German, maths, English and history. SimpleClub is a youtube channel and an… Read More
Corona: Further restrictions in Baden-Württemberg
On 16th March, the government of Baden-Württemberg issued a legal ordinance on infection control measures. This is effective immediately and considerably restricts public life in order to protect the population from corona infections. In addition to the shutdown of childcare facilities, schools and universities, the ordinance also specifies the operating ban on facilities such as cultural, educational and leisure facilities. All visits to hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, dialysis facilities and day clinics are prohibited with immediate effect, with a few exceptions. Visits to old people’s homes and nursing homes as well as stationary facilities for people with disabilities are only possible… Read More
Services for school children to fight boredom
To prevent children from getting bored in the coming weeks, there are numerous services available online and on television. The website www.kindernetz.de offers several children’s programs including interesting explanatory videos. Kindernetz also offers clips and tips on Youtube against boredom at home. The program with the mouse (Die Sendung mit der Maus) will be broadcasted on ARD every morning on television starting from 18th March. Stimulating topics for children will be shown and explained during the shows. Children can also play interactive games and listen to stories online at: www.wdrmaus.de KiKa, the kid’s channel by ARD and ZDF, will broadcast… Read More
Corona-virus: treatment in easier cases
Corona-virus: treatment in easier cases An infection of the new corona virus can lead to signs of illness such as fever and cough. Cold, shortness of breath, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and headaches have also been reported as symptoms. Some people even suffer from nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. The symptoms are often difficult to distinguish from those of another respiratory infection. For most people, the course of the disease is also similar to that of influenza, by which many people are affected currently. Most corona infections that have occurred in the district of Tübingen so far are directly… Read More
Starting Tuesday: Kindergartens and schools to be closed
Starting Tuesday: Kindergartens and schools to be closed The daycare centres and schools in Tübingen will remain open on Monday, 16th March. However, parents who do not work as doctors, nurses, in doctor’s offices, in public transport, in the police or fire brigade and such, should avoid bringing their children to the daycare centres. This will reduce the risk of infection. From Tuesday, 17th March, until the end of the Easter holidays, daycare centres and schools will be closed due to the coronavirus. From Tuesday, 17th March, emergency care will be available in the urban day-care centres – but only… Read More
Coronavirus: schools and kindergartens closed
Coronavirus: schools and kindergartens closed By the evening of 14.3.2020, the corona pathogen had infected 43 people in the district of Tübingen. Approximately 215,000 people live in this district. At present, it is particularly important to prevent or at least delay the infection spreading to more people. This is best achieved when people have as little contact with each other as possible. The basic principle is: Only do what is absolutely necessary. That is why the state of Baden-Württemberg, like other German states, has decided on a number of measures that need to be taken. Families are particularly affected by… Read More
Information about the corona virus
Information about the corona virus Information from the Health Department at the District Office in Tübingen The novel corona virus and the panic around it had raised uncertainties and questions. On the website of the district of Tübingen www.kreis-tuebingen.de, the authorities are providing information on current developments, tips on behavior and answers to frequently asked questions. The current season is generally a high risk time for diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. We therefore recommend the following measures and rules of conduct, which generally protect against infection with colds, influenza (seasonal flu) and the new type of corona virus:… Read More
Coronaviruses—2019nC0V From Sajia Yarmal According to the latest Report of the World Health Organization, the coronavirus “2019nCoV” has so far spread to more than 100 countries around the world. The latest report shows that more than 110,000 people worldwide have been infected with the new Coronavius. So far there are more than 1000 infected people in Germany and more than 200 in Baden-Württemberg. More information on www.infektionsschutz.de and www.who.int Reducing the risk of infection with Coronavirus Coronavirus can be transmitting by direct contact with the infected person’s respiratory droplets (through coughing and sneezing) and by contact with infected… Read More