Dr Saif Afat: None of the vaccines alters the genetic material

The rumour that vaccines against the coronavirus alter genetic makeup is one Dr. Saif Afat has heard often, including at the covid vaccination centre. What people fear most is that the vaccine could cause cancer. The radiologist came to Germany from Iraq in 2004 and currently works, among other things, at the covid vaccination centre in the District of Tübingen. In a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL he points out that no study has proven such changes. When he received his own vaccination in January, he said, he wasn’t worried about that at all: “I trust in science.” He had previously looked at the scientific papers and was “totally convinced” by the numbers and the science behind them. Many of his colleagues also had vaccinations “and we are all doing well”. Afat is a scientist, and to that extent he qualifies his statement for the corona vaccine as he would for any vaccine: “What happens in two, three years, you can’t scientifically study or predict now.“ But he said he was “very reassured that these are very safe vaccines”.

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Interview Wolfgang Sannwald with Dr. Saif Afat on the 4th of May 2021


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