Going to the daycare center with a cold

During the fall, many children get a cough and a runny nose. This is also the case during times of the coronavirus. When are children with cold symptoms allowed to go to their daycare center and when not? The state of Baden-Württemberg’s public health department gives an answer to this before the opening of the daycare centers on Monday, August 31st. If a child has a runny nose without any other symptoms, a light cough or a sore throat, they are allowed to go to the daycare center. However, if they have a fever of at least 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit), and/or a dry cough, and/or their sense of taste or smell is impaired, they have to stay at home. If the child has to go to the doctor’s office, the doctor will decide if a Covid-19 test should be conducted. If the test result is negative, meaning the child has not been infected with the coronavirus, the child has to stay at home. This rule applies until the child has not had a fever for at least a day and they are feeling well again. If the test result is positive, the child has to be without symptoms for at least 48 hours and it has to be at least ten days since the symptoms first started showing, before they are allowed back to the daycare center.


Foto: Info Landesgesundheitsamt

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