Rumours about Germany

Pregnant women have a better chance of getting asylum in Germany. Germany takes in 5000 migrants daily – these and many other rumours about migration to Germany and Europe can be found on the internet. This wrong information leads many people to flee to Germany and falsely hope for asylum in Europe. Often, these rumours are spread by traffickers, who want more profit.

However, people should base their decision to flee or migrate to Germany on facts instead of lies. Because of this, the German Federal Foreign Office has launched the website “#rumoursaboutgermany” in 2015. The website is available in multiple languages, including English, Arabic, Persian and French. Here, interested people can inform themselves about different migration apsects. For example, the website gives facts about the escape to Germany, but also about the asylum procedure and the life in Germany. Addtionally, it directly addresses rumours about these topics and informs which are correct and incorrect. Furthermore, those who hear a rumour about Germany can send it to the website, which will then verify or refute it. The website can be found under


Neuigkeiten verbreiten sich heutzutage besonders schnell im Internet – aber auch von Mund zu Mund. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Kerstin Markl.

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