On Saturday, April 30, the Climate Day will take place at the Ratshausplatz in Tübingen. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., there will be information about climate protection, energy transition and sustainability in the foyer. There you can learn interesting facts about different areas of life such as heat, electricity, consumption and mobility. In addition, you can get free advice on saving energy in the home and on the numerous municipal funding programs. There is also the opportunity to have various small electrical appliances repaired free of charge. The Foodsharing initiative will also be presenting itself, which collects products that… Read More
Tag: Tübingen
Support for sports activities
The association BewegtEuch e.V. promotes sports activities for children and young people under the age of 18. Those who would like to practice a sport but do not have the financial means for leisure activities can contact the association. Children and young people who have fled Ukraine also receive support. For example, membership fees at sports clubs, equipment for certain sports or participation in sports camps are paid. The association was founded, among others, by Dr. Lisa Federle, an emergency physician from Tübingen, during the Corona pandemic. Funding works through sponsorships and donations. Anyone who would like to receive a… Read More
Wohnraum für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine melden
Der Landkreis Tübingen sucht dringend weitere Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine. Die Bereitstellung der Kreissporthalle Tübingen als Ankunftszentrum für Geflüchtete reicht für die Nachfrage nicht aus. Wer noch Platz hat, beispielsweise Ferienwohnungen, kann dies direkt bei den Bürgermeisterämtern der Städte und Gemeinden melden. Zu vielen Fragen rund um die Aufnahme und Unterbringung von Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine gibt die Internetseite https://www.kreis-tuebingen.de/ukraine Auskunft. Weitergehende Fragen können per E-Mail an ukraine@kreis-tuebingen.de oder telefonisch unter 07071/207-3700 von montags bis freitags von 9 bis 16 Uhr gestellt werden. Dies gab der Landkreis Tübingen in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt. Weitere News zur Ukraine: www.tuenews-ukraine.eu tun22031403… Read More
Nighttime testing stations in Tübingen
Following the decision to reopen clubs and bars in Baden-Württemberg, demand for nighttime rapid testing will increase. The 2G+ rule applies, with no exceptions: Only vaccinated or recovered persons with an additional current negative Corona rapid test have access. Therefore, a testing station at the Pharmaphant pharmacy on Europaplatz opens on Fridays and Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The test station at Kelternplatz is open until 2 a.m. Thursday through Saturday. The proof is valid for 24 hours. Since the operators of the clubs and bars expect a large crowd, they recommend taking the rapid tests already during… Read More
Erstorientierungskurs an der Volkshochschule Tübingen
Die Volkshochschule Tübingen bietet im Februar und März jeweils einen „Erstorientierungskurs – Willkommen in Tübingen!“ an. Der kostenlose Kurs richtet sich an Geflüchtete ab 18 Jahren, die sich noch im Asylverfahren befinden und nicht aus einem sicheren Herkunftsland kommen. Wer erst seit kurzem in Deutschland ist, findet in diesem Kurs Hilfe zur Orientierung im Alltag und kann Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache erlangen. Themen des Kurses sind u.a. Gesundheit und medizinische Versorgung, Orientierung und Besonderheiten vor Ort, deutsche Kultur und Werte, sowie Kindergarten und Schule. Außerdem steht das Deutschlernen auf leichtem Niveau für den Alltagsgebrauch im Fokus. Die Kurse haben einen… Read More
Starting January 10th, more tests in schools
During the Christmas vacations, more students may have contracted the highly contagious Omicron virus – on vacation or at family gatherings. That’s why there will be more Corona tests in Baden-Württemberg after schools reopen on January 10th. Students are to take a quick test every day during the first week of school, starting Monday. This is stated in a letter from the Ministry of Education. Exceptions will be made for all students and teachers who have already received a booster vaccination. They do not have to get tested. Also, people who have recovered and have been vaccinated at least once… Read More
Special vaccination campaign for children
The University Hospital of Tübingen and the district of Tübingen are offering a vaccination against Corona for children. During the special campaign, only five to eleven-year-olds will be vaccinated on the weekend of December 17th to 19th. The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) recommends vaccination mainly for children with diseases such as diabetes and obesity, and also if they have relatives who could be at risk of a severe case of Corona. At the special request of parents, 5 to 11-year-olds without pre-existing conditions can also be vaccinated. The first children’s vaccination campaign in the district is at the health… Read More
Test stations in downtown Tübingen extend their opening hours
From Saturday, December 4th, the Corona test stations in downtown Tübingen will extend their opening hours. This was stated in a press release from the city of Tübingen. This is the city administration’s response to the expected increased demand for rapid testing services at weekends and after work. Because according to the new Corona rules, vaccinated and recovered people also need a negative Corona test (2G plus), for example in the gastronomy or in cultural and leisure facilities. The new opening hours are: Test station Marketplace in front of the town hall (Marktplatz): Monday to Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6… Read More
TüBi-Tag in der Stadtbücherei Tübingen
Einfach Hingehen und Mitmachen und das kostenlos: Am Samstag, 13. November von 10.30 bis 14 Uhr öffnet die Stadtbücherei in der Nonnengasse 19 ihre Türen für ein Programm des Tübinger Bildungsnetzwerks (TüBi). Das Angebot richtet sich an alle Altersgruppen und umfasst Fremdsprachen lernen und digitale Medien bis hin zu Spielen, Musik und Kreativem. Zum Tübinger Bildungsnetzwerk (TüBi) gehören unter anderem folgende Einrichtungen: Stadtbücherei Tübingen, Tübinger Musikschule, Volkshochschule Tübingen, Stadtmuseum Tübingen, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen, Familienbildungsstätte Tübingen, InFö e.V. Mehr Informationen zum Programm unter: www.tuebingen.de/presse#/34887 tun21110901 In Tübinger Stadtbibliothek kann man Bücher auch zur Abholung ausleihen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.… Read More
Presentations and workshops about the topic Islam at TübIs
TübIs”, short for “Tübinger Islamgespräche” (Tübingen Islam talks), is an association that campaigns for a differentiated picture of Islam in the public. TübIs’ objective is to strengthen “the democratic life together in diversity”. For this, the association is organizing conference days with presentations, workshops and a panel discussion, which will start on Monday, November 8th, and go until Sunday, November 21st. Topics include religious education at schools, antisemitism under Muslims or Islam and democracy. The separate events will take place at different locations, which can be found on the website https://tuebis.de/fachtage/. All events are public and participation is free of… Read More