Two websites show pictures taken in Moria

Pictures from Moria and other refugee camps located on the Greek island Lesbos are rarely seen by the public, “because journalists and photographers are not allowed entry into Moria and NGO employees are not allowed to take pictures. Media representatives are also still prohibited from accessing the refugee camp Kara Tepe, to which a large part of inhabitants was transferred after Moria was destroyed during a fire in September 2020,” writes the Museum of Ethology in Vienna (Weltmuseum Wien) in a small special exhibition, which is free of charge. There, pictures from Moria are shown, which were taken by the refugees Amir, Ali and Mustafa from Afghanistan as well as Qutaeba from Syria in the camp and posted on Instragram, in light of the photo project “Now You See Me Moria”. “Their full names are not given to protect their identities. The refugees want to document the life in the camps on Lesbos with their photos and alert to the, in parts, devastating humanitarian situation on-site,” writes the museum. The photographers also wrote texts to their pictures.

The phots can be viewed under Now you see me Moria | Weltmuseum Wien

They are also available on the project’s website: Gallery – Now You See Me Moria. Posters are also shown there, which were created worldwide from the project’s pictures, to call attention and solidarity to Moria.

The 24-year-old professional Greek photographer Todd Rigos is also presenting a photo series from Moria, called “Afloat”, on his website: Afloat — Todd Rigos. He wants to document the life of refugees with his pictures, “trying to bring action and make a difference in the world through my work.”



Ausschnitt aus dem Poster von Levin Jaensch aus Deutschland im Projekt „Now you see me Moria“: „do you see me now?“.

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