What does an Ermessensduldung mean?

What does an Ermessensduldung mean?


An “Ermessensduldung” (discretionary suspension of removal) is issued, if a person cannot be removed from a country due to reasons of public, humanitarian or personal interest (§ 60a Abs, 2 Satz 3 AufenthG). “Discretionary” in this context does not mean that the authorities decide in an arbitrary fashion on an individual level. Rather it implies that there are several possible decisions. Each decision is made based on certain criteria. For example, if somebody has found a place for an apprenticeship and is to begin this apprenticeship within 6 months, he is a likely candidate for an “Ermessensduldung”. During the apprenticeship he can then be issued a “Ausbildungsduldung” (training tolerment). If one has to care to family members or cannot receive a specific medical treatment, they qualify for this form of tolerment as well.


News 2:


Preparatory course for university

The Volkshochschule (VHS) Reutlingen is offering a preparatory course for refugee planning to take up studies in the future. The preparatory course prepares refugees for a study in Germany. The course starts in September 2019 and ends in February 2020 with a “TestDaF”-exam (B2/C1). The exam is a precondition for the study in Germany. You can subscribe to the course until 14 of July. If you want to subscribe you need a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, copies of school reports and passport and a evidence for the language level B1. If you have no school reports, you can describe your education detailed in the curriculum vitae. For more information: www.reutlingen-university.de/vor-dem-studium/der-erste-schritt/angebote-fuer-gefluechtete/



News 3:

tünews INTERNATIONAL goes online

Everyone wanting to read tünews INTERNATIONAL online can do so from now on via the new tünews-Website. There, you can find constantly new content, important news, illustrated articles as well as radio-news and video-clips in the future. You can also find links to the tünews-facebook page and the Integreat-App. This website is launched on 25.05.2019. The web-address is: www.tunewsinternational.com


News 4:

Workshops for children

The Pixel-Media Workshop is offering various workshops for children and teens during the Pentecostal school holidays. There is a T-Shirt printing workshop for children between 10 and 15 years old, where they can design and print their own Shirts. This workshop will take place on 17.06.19 morning and afternoon. For young boys, there is a film-workshop from 20 to 22.06.19. The workshop includes writing their own short film and filming it. The Pixel-Media Workshop is managed by the City of Tuebingen and specialized in working with children and teens. It is located in Karlstraße 13 (Epplehaus) in Tuebingen. Everyone owning a KreisBonusCard Junior will only pay 2€ per day. There are other workshops as well. For further information and the full program, visit: www.pixel-medienwerkstatt.de. For registration refer to: anmeldung@pixel-medienwerkstatt.de


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