About Us
by Wolfgang Sannwald
tünews INTERNATIONAL has the character of a company in the social labor market, with around 20 volunteers, mini-jobbers and Bufdis who are constantly at work. Since 2015 they have been working on publications in German, Arabic, Persian/Dari and English. Tünews INTERNATIONAL is supported by the non-profit organization KulturGUT, and the district of Tübingen which makes integrative media work possible.
The first edition of tünews INTERNATIONAL took place after a two-month build up on December 1st, 2015 in printed paper as a wall newspaper. Members of KulturGUT e.V. and employees of the Tübingen district office developed, implemented and maintained the project. Today, tünews INTERNATIONAL offers relevant, up-to-date information in various languages.
The central publication organ is the homepage www.tunewsinternational.com. This was launched in June 2019, and on March 15th, 2020 tünews INTERNATIONAL took a “digital turn”. In response to the corona epidemic and based on home office times, the digital publications gained greater importance. By the end of May 2020, the homepage alone had more than 1.7 million clicks. The editors primarily cover topics are relevant for new residents. tünews INTERNATIONAL collects information from credible sources. The editorial team endeavors to be neutral in the presentation and strives for factual and credible information. The editorial members want to contribute to the integration discourse with longer articles from the tünews MAGAZINE. Articles in Arabic and Persian are particularly popular. The news also finds its way into the world via Facebook, Youtube, a newsletter and weekly radio broadcasts on radio “Wüste Welle”. A weekly wall newspaper and a larger magazine are published on paper every month.
tünews INTERNATIONAL is also an instrument of the social labor market. Most of the roughly 20 part-time workers have immigrated to Germany since 2014. Through their cooperation, they deepen their knowledge of the work culture in Germany, especially through practical experience. At the same time, they apply their German language skills in editorial work and thus in work practice. In terms of content, the employees explore many aspects of German society and culture.
2015 begann tünews INTERNATIONAL als wöchentliche Wandzeitung zum Aushang in Sammelunterkünften. Heute ist es ein tagesaktueller elektronischer news-Dienst in vier Sprachen, Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 14.05.2020