Is Africa really a poor continent! by Ademola Adetunji

  “Africa is not poor, but its wealth is being stolen”! Often time I come across people whom during a conversation with them end up saying “Go back to your poor country “and most times they conclude by saying “Africa is a poor continent”. Similarly, this statement has been repeated through a thousand images, newspaper stories and charity appeals each year, so it makes the story look truthful. When the westerners read such news or watch it via the television, this reaffirms assumptions and negative stories about Africa that has been heard throughout their lives. Therefore, the question is, is… Read More

Youtube-Clips gegen

Youtube-Clips gegen Vorurteile Die Datteltäter sind eine Gruppe von Youtuberinnen und Youtubern. Sie machen Videos über Vorurteile In einem Video zeigen sie zum Beispiel wie ein arabisch-türkisches Paar sich über die „richtige“ Aussprache vom Wort Hummus streitet. In einem anderen Film, tauschen eine muslimische Frau und ein muslimischer Mannihre Rollen. Die Mutter schimpft den Mann und verbietet ihm mit so kurzen Kleidern rauszugehen.

Intercultural theater workshop

Intercultural theater workshop Attention! Until March 31st in 2019,a children‘s and family exhibition on the history of electricity will be shown in the Stadtmuseum Tübingen. From lightning to the engine: On the 3rd floor of the museum, children can independently try out exciting experiments on the subject of electricity. In addition, the museum has a lot to tell about the history of Tübingen. The city museum at Kornhausstraße 10 is open every day except Mondays from 11am to 5pm. Entry to the museum is for free. „

A right to stay for refugees

A right to stay for refugees A right to stay for refugees, no deportations to Afghanistan: This was what more than 300 people demanded on Friday, December 7, in Tübingen. The alliance Bleiberecht Tübingen had called for a demonstration. Speakers recalled the Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed 70 years ago on December 10th and criticized current policies not only in Germany. The demonstrators demanded not to fight the refugees, but the causes for fleeing. And they plead for solidarity as an alternative to isolationism and racism.

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