Children feel very stressed by Corona

The quality of life of children and adolescents in Germany deteriorated during the Corona crisis. This is shown by the COPSY study (Corona and Psyche) by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). Nationwide, children and parents were surveyed on this topic for the first time. The pandemic has “reduced the quality of life and mental wellbeing of children and adolescents and increased the risk of mental health problems. Most children and adolescents feel stressed, are increasingly worried, pay less attention to their health and complain more often about family disputes. In every second child, the relationship with their friends suffered… Read More

In crisis, people smoke and drink more

The corona crisis and lockdown appear to be causing people to indulge more in their vices. Data from the Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung showed that sales of alcoholic beverages increased by around six percent in the first weeks of the lockdown. But that could also be due to bulk purchases. That is why the Central Institute for Mental Health (ZI) in Mannheim and the Nuremberg Clinic conducted an online study in which 3,200 people were interviewed. 37 percent of respondents said they drank more than before during the lockdown. The situation is similar for smokers too: over 40 percent smoked more… Read More

Corona: Fines still in place

Starting July 1st, 2020, new regulations to combat the corona pandemic will apply in Baden-Württemberg. Anyone who violates the provisions of the Corona Ordinance is committing an administrative offense. Fined will be anyone who does not keep the minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people, does not wear a mouth-to-nose cover if this is prescribed, takes part in a gathering of more than twenty people or holds unauthorized meetings. Anyone who violates the prohibition of entry or participation with symptoms of an infectious disease must also face a fine. The fines can be up to € 2,500, in some… Read More

Masks make sense in the age of Corona

Many people are reluctant to wear masks against the Coronavirus, but the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public transport and in shops is evident. A study by four universities backs this claim. The scientists examined developments in Jena and similar cities. Jena had already introduced the mask requirement on April 6th, other cities did not follow until two or three weeks later. The study found that the mask requirement has contributed to slow the spread of Covid-19, according to the summary by Klaus Wäldle (University of Mainz). The World Health Organization (WHO) has also changed its stance… Read More

Evidence of vaccination against measles

According to the Measles Protection Act, people who live as asylum seekers or late repatriates in shared accommodation must provide evidence of protection against measles. More precisely, affected are those people who were born after December 31st, 1970 and who have been living in the accommodation for 4 weeks. Two vaccinations must be presented. A proof of Vaccination is sufficient for children under 2 years of age and infants under one year of age do not need to provide evidence of vaccination. Proof of a measles vaccination must be submitted to the district office no later than 4 weeks after… Read More

Curevac receives 300 million Euro for vaccination research

The German national bank KfW has invested 300 million Euro in the Tübingen enterprise Curevac, as told by the federal economics minister Peter Altmaier on Monday. The biotech-company is conducting research for a vaccination against the Corona virus in the Technologiepark Tübingen. Curevac wants to teach the human body how to produce its own vaccine. The enterprise wants to imitate a natural virus infection and, thus, activate the body’s own defence mechanisms. Press spokesman Thorsten Schüller explained the method to tünews INTERNATIONAL at the beginning of April. Meanwhile, Curevac has been allowed to test its vaccine in a clinical study… Read More

Official Corona warning app available

The smartphone can now help to better control the spread of the corona virus. This is the idea behind ​​the new free Corona warning app. It is used to inform voluntary users if they have had contact with an infected person. The app sends and receives Bluetooth signals with anonymized identification numbers. Anyone who has tested positive for the Corona virus can enter this in the app. Then a warning message will be sent to those who have been in close vicinity to the infected person. Privacy advocates have no concerns. Security experts advise, however, to only search for the… Read More

Occupational health and safety against corona infections

The Federal Government published general standards for protection against corona infections at worki on April 20th. The government points out that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must also be observed in companies – in buildings, outdoors and in vehicles. Operations should be organized in such a way that employees have as little direct contact as possible. Shift work should be adjusted accordingly. Nobody should come to work sick. Anyone who has a fever, runny nose, cough or breathing problems while at work should go home. In the event of unavoidable direct contacts, there must be additional protection, preferably with… Read More

Corona and consequences – information in multiple languages

The Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration is providing useful information on the coronavirus in 20 languages. A homepage is offering information on the virus and related protective measures. The latest decisions of the Federal Government including its states, speeches by the Federal Chancellor and many news reports on individual aspects can be accessed. For example, information from other federal ministries and federal institutions on work, travel or protection against violence is also available. tun051503 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 19.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Asking for help, when everything seems pointless

By Oula Mahfouz and Feras Trayfi   Depression is not a sign of weakness, but a sign for the effort of remaining strong for a long time. (Sigmund Freud)   Do you feel a constant sadness that you cannot rid yourself of? Are your tears your permanent companion? Has everything that you once loved and everything that brought happiness into your life has lost its charm? Do you sleep too much or cannot sleep at all, despite wanting to? Do you no longer have the energy or desire to meet someone and have a conversation? Is eating the very last… Read More

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