Two Countries, Two Responses

Will Thomas lived in Germany as an exchange student from May 2019 to April 2020 and has been helping out at tünews International since October 2019. In his article, he compares the governmental responses to the Corona pandemic of Germany and the USA based on his own personal experiences and shares his perception of the current Corona crisis.   by Will Thomas How does a country react to a crisis? The answer depends on the country. Until the end of March, I was completing an exchange year in Tübingen, consisting of a semester at the university and an internship. Unfortunately,… Read More

Correct use of disposable gloves

The following should be observed when wearing disposable gloves: first wash your hands thoroughly or disinfect them with a sanitizer. Pay attention to the gaps between your fingers and your nails. Then put on the gloves carefully without causing any tears. While taking off the gloves, it is important to only hold them from the inner lower end, not at the fingertips, and then remove them. Disinfect hands again or wash thoroughly. Used gloves belong in the residual waste. When outside, they should be thrown in a public trash bin and not on the street. Remember to still wash your… Read More

Primary admission facilities allowed to issue quarantine

The primary admission facilities of the state of Baden-Württemberg can now issue quarantine orders for 14 days. This was decided by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in its Fourth Amendment of the Corona Ordinance from 9th April. tun041002 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 06.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Basic information about Corona in 15 languages

The Ethno-Medical Center e.V. (EMZ) offers information and practical advice about the Corona virus in 15 languages on the website These include Kurdish, Pashtu, Russian and Turkish. The information is also available as a PDF for download and printing. The Ethno-Medical Center (EMZ) was founded in Hanover in 1989 with the aim of improving the health care of migrants. It builds a “bridge between cultures” by mediating between people of different cultures (and languages) and their different ideas of body, health and illness. tun032608 Impressionen von der neuen Fieberamblanz des Landkreises Tübingen. Achtung: Termine nur über den Hausarzt! Foto:… Read More

Coronavirus: protecting mental health?

From Sajia Yarmal These days you are facing hundreds of different news about Coronavirus in the world, but how it will affect your mental health? The uncertainty and feeling of lack of control are what underpins most people’s anxiety. Now, more than ever, we need to keep our mental health in as good condition as possible. Recently the World Health Organization released advice on protecting mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. Here are some steps to reduce the chance of Coronavirus-19 having a detrimental effect on your mental: Limit the news and be careful what you read: Take breaks from… Read More

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