Going out in the evening allowed again, no big gatherings

Since February 11th, the nightly curfew has been lifted in Baden-Württemberg. However, this does not mean that one can now have big parties with relatives or gather with a lot of friends. The contact restrictions – members of one household can only meet with one member from another household – are in effect until at least March 7th. The aim is still to lower the number of people infected with the corona virus significantly. It becomes critical, when there are at least 50 new infections with the virus per 100.000 residents on at least seven consecutive days. If this number… Read More

No curfew starting Thursday

In Baden-Württemberg, the nightly curfew will only be in effect for a short while longer. Statewide and for the last time, people will have to be in their homes by 8 p.m. on Wednesday, February 20th, and remain there until 5 a.m. on Thursday morning. This was decided by the Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim. The reason for this decision was an urgent motion filed against this restriction by a woman from Tübingen. The state government introduced the curfew on December 12th, 2020. It is not yet decided, if places with a lot of corona infections will have special nightly… Read More

Face masks in comparison

Baden-Württemberg has tightened its corona regulations. Starting on Monday, January 25th, fabric masks and scarfs don’t count as enough protection in certain places. There, surgical masks or even more efficient masks have to be worn. These are called FFP2 or KN95. The stricter mask regulations apply on public transports (trains, busses, cabs, airplanes), on train and bus platforms as well as in the waiting areas of train stations and airports. These masks also have to be worn in shops and in the workplace, starting Monday. Children under the age of 14 can continue to wear so-called community masks. There continues… Read More

Rottenburg Tafel opens again

The Tafel in Rottenburg opens again on Monday, February 1st, during its usual opening times. Entrance into the Tafel rooms is only permitted with a FFP2-mask. Between February 8th and 25th, customers can extend their shopping card or apply for a new one. This is possible on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the community hall St. Martin. tun21012901 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian 05.10.2020. Latest information on Corona: Click here

Entry bans into Germany starting January 30th

People coming from Great Britain, Ireland, Portugal, South Africa or Brazil are not allowed entry into Germany, starting Saturday, January 30th. Additionally, the entry ban is in effect for the African countries Lesotho and Eswatini starting on Sunday. The Federal Government is forbidding airlines, train, bus and ship companies the transportation of persons who want to enter Germany from one of these countries. The reason for this is the spread of corona virus variations there. German citizens and foreigners who live in Germany are excepted from this regulation. Transit travelers and goods traffic also continue to be allowed. The regulation… Read More

Starting January 25th in Baden-Württemberg: surgical or FFP2-masks in shops and public transport

Baden-Württemberg has tightened its corona regulations. Starting on Monday, January 25th, fabric masks and scarfs don’t count as enough protection in certain places. There, surgical masks or even more efficient masks have to be worn. These are called FFP2 or KN95. The stricter mask regulations apply on public transports (trains, busses, cabs, airplanes), on train and bus platforms as well as in the waiting areas of train stations and airports. These masks also have to be worn in shops and in the workplace, starting Monday. Children under the age of 14 can continue to wear so-called community masks. There continues… Read More

Medical masks in public transportation and in shops

A scarf, a cloth or a fabric mask in front of mouth and nose soon won’t be enough on busses and trains as well as during the grocery run. In the future, medical masks – so-called surgery masks or the even more effective masks of the type FFP2 or KN95 – have to be worn. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Governors of the States on Tuesday. However, they haven’t yet announced a date from which this new regulation applies. Governor Winfried Kretschmann explained the stricter rule, because the corona infection numbers must be reduced “as fast… Read More

Schools remain closed for now / Possible special regulations in Baden-Württemberg

In Germany, schools and day care centers are supposed to stay closed until February 14th. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Governors of the States after long discussions. This means: At all schools, from primary schools, to secondary schools and to vocational schools, there will continue to be no in-person class, but remote teaching. However, Baden-Württemberg is aiming for special regulations. A possible step by step opening of day care centers and primary schools could be possible again by February 1st, if the infection numbers allow it. The early opening will be decided during the last week… Read More

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