Rule relaxation over Christmas shortened

Baden-Württemberg has changed one item in the corona rules applicable from Tuesday, 1st of December. The exception that a maximum of ten people plus children up to their 15th birthday can meet at Christmas has been shortened. This rule will now only apply from 23th to 27th December. From 1st to 23rd December, only a maximum of five people from two households plus children may meet. This is stated in the country’s regulation published on 30th November. However, this may change again. It depends on the development of the corona situation whether the regulation will really be relaxed over Christmas… Read More

Stricter corona regulations starting December 1st

Many people are still getting infected with the corona-virus. Consequently, the current regulations to be extended until Sunday, December 20th, and are partly stricter. Starting December 1st, no more than five people from two different household can meet. However, children till the age of 14 do not count. There’s an exception for the Christmas Days, starting from December 23rd until January 1st. During this time, close family or friends can meet with up to ten people, plus children under 14. A mask is required everywhere, where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be held. This includes for example pedestrian… Read More

WHO on long-term effects of COVID-19

A COVID-19 infection can have long-term consequences. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now warned of this in Geneva. The head of WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, spoke of permanent complications, according to reports in various media. Both young and old people, hospital patients and infected persons treated at home, suffer from long-term effects of corona. Specifically mentioned symptoms were: severe exhaustion, breathing problems, palpitations and memory difficulties. tun103102 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 16.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

“Low risk,” says the Corona app. What does this mean?  

Experienced on an ICE train: Two older ladies get on and sit down in the next row. They’re wearing elegant face shields and take out their new smartphones. Their grandchildren downloaded the Corona-Warn-App for them, they explain each other. One of them says, “low risk.” The other one replies, “low risk as well, see!” Relieved, they take off their shields and take a bottle of prosecco out of their purses. Something is not right here, but what? The two women are mistaken on two things: On all trains, there is a requirement to wear a mouth and nose covering. The… Read More

Corona alert during the weekend

What to do on the weekend when you find out you were in contact with a person who tested positive for corona? Or when the corona warn-app alerts you? People in close contact with an infected person and people who receive a red alert on their app can get tested for free. This test can be done from Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the station on the Tübingen fairground. This is written in a press release by the administrative district office. Everyone who shows unclear cold symptoms during the weekend can visit the test station on… Read More

Mössingen Tafel is closing

Effective immediately, the Mössingen Tafel has to stop its distribution of food to those in need. Already tomorrow, on Friday, November 6th, the Tafel will be closed. The reason for this is that volunteers who work there have been tested positive for the coronavirus. The closing is supposed to protect the staff and the customers. It will last until at least the end of November. In consultation with the authorities, it will then be decided when the Tafel can be opened again. tun110501 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 01.11.2020 Latest information on Corona:… Read More

Book appointments in the downtown citizen office online

Registering a new home address, submitting found items, buying garbage bags, all this is possible in the downtown citizen center in Tübingen – however, an appointment is necessary due to corona. This appointment can now be booked online under On this site, a topic has to be chosen. Following that, the visitor will be told which documents they need. One click is enough to book a free date. Only in urgent cases should an appointment be made via phone or email, according to a press release by the city. For this, the appointment can be booked via phone under… Read More

Starting November 2nd in Baden-Württemberg: Only essential travel recommended

Stricter corona rules will apply in Baden-Württemberg starting Monday, November 2nd. The freedom of movement will not be restricted, but people should avoid unnecessary travel and visits if possible. For example, people will not be able to stay overnight in hotels. This does not apply to business or official trips, trips to care for people in need, the sick or visits to hospitals, old people’s homes or nursing homes. However, those who intend to do so should ask in advance at the facility whether the visiting hours or visiting conditions are restricted due to the current situation. This is stated… Read More

Corona virus findings in the district of Tübingen

The number of people infected with the corona virus is increasing significantly in the district of Tübingen. This is shown in a graph from the district administration office of Tübingen. The graph is based on the number of infected persons reported daily in the district. On the 30th of October, the District Office reported 49 cases, for the 31st of October 44 cases. The 7-day incidence for the district of Tübingen was 138.2 on October 31st. tun110111 Grafik: Neuinfizierte Landkreis Tübingen Latest information on Corona: Click here

Starting November 2nd in Baden-Württemberg: Exercise by yourself, in a group of two or with your family

Stricter corona rules will apply in Baden-Württemberg starting Monday, November 2nd. This will affect sports and fitness. Fitness, yoga and dance schools will have to close. This also affects sports courses at education centers and other educational institutions. Soccer fields may only be used for recreational sports, in pairs or with members of one’s own household. This rule also applies to public and private sports facilities. Pregnancy and birth preparation courses may continue to be held. Rehab sports are also still allowed. No spectators are allowed during training or during competitions in professional sports – for example in the Bundesliga.… Read More

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